If you're new to the paleo diet, then this beginner's guide is for you. In this guide, I'll cover everything you need to know about paleo diet including what it is, the benefits of paleo diet, what foods to eat on paleo diet, what foods to avoid on paleo diet and how to meal plan on paleo diet.

So, let's get started with learning all about the paleo diet!

Paleo Diet Overview

The Paleo Diet is a way of eating that simulates the food groups and nutrient intake of our early hunter-gatherer ancestors. The basic idea behind the Paleo Diet is that by returning to a more primitive way of eating we will be able to improve our health and well-being.

The Paleo Diet is also sometimes referred to as the “Caveman Diet” or the “Stone Age Diet”.

Paleo dieters typically eat a diet that is high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates. The typical paleo diet food list includes meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds.

Benefits of Paleo Diet

There are many potential benefits of following a Paleo Diet including:

  • - improved weight loss
  • - improved heart health
  • - reduced inflammation
  • - reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer
  • - increased energy levels
  • - improved digestion

However, it should be noted that there is currently no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Paleo Diet Foods to Eat

Here is a list of paleo diet foods that you can eat:

  • - meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, etc.)
  • - fish (salmon, tuna, trout, etc.)
  • - vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots, etc.)
  • - fruit (apples, bananas, berries, etc.)
  • - nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds)
  • - healthy fats and oils (olive oil ,coconut oil)

And here are some examples of paleo diet meals:

- breakfast: eggs with spinach and avocado

- lunch: salmon salad with olive oil and lemon

- dinner: grass-fed beef with broccoli and sweet potato

- snacks: fruits, nuts and seeds

Paleo Diet Foods to Avoid

There are also certain food groups that are best avoided on a Paleo Diet. These include:

- grains (wheat, oats, rice)

- legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts)

- dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt)

- processed foods (sugar, cookies, chips)

- unhealthy fats (vegetable oils ,seed oils)

How to Meal Plan on Paleo Diet

One of the best ways to stick to a Paleo diet is to meal plan in advance. This will help you to make sure you always have healthy Paleo meals and snacks on hand, and will also help you to save time and money.

When meal planning, be sure to include a variety of different food groups so that you get all the nutrients you nee. And don't forget to factor in any special dietary requirements or allergies.

Finally, remember that the key to success with any diet is moderation. Don't try to do too much too soon, or you'll likely end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Start slowly and focus on making small changes that you can stick with over the long term.

That's it for this beginner's guide to paleo diet! I hope you found it helpful.